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Cars, trucks, and SUVs for sale in Milford, CT, Wallingford, CT

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Although we try to present information that is complete and accurate on this site, the possibility for data error exists. Therefore, absolute accuracy cannot be guaranteed. We will make every attempt to correct such discrepancies promptly upon notification
of such errors, but pricing and listing errors are considered invalid and may or may not be honored at the sole discretion of Car Central Sales & Service. Prices, availability, and vehicle information are subject to change at any time without notice. Please
verify the accuracy of all information with the dealer prior to purchase.

Estimated payments reflect $3000 down cash or trade value, but you are free to work your deal using our FAST PASS tool. The dealer’s price and estimated payments do not include documentation fees, taxes, title, registration, or our negotiable $999 conveyance fee. Optional $299 Vin Etch.

Mileage is based upon EPA mileage estimates. Use for comparison only. Your actual mileage will depend on how you drive and maintain your vehicle, driving conditions, and other factors.

Spare Keys.
All vehicles are guaranteed to come with 1 key. Occasionally, a spare key is available and provided upon registration of the vehicle. If a spare key is not available, we will be glad to have one prepared for you at our low internal cost. Please see your sales consultant for more information.

Open Recalls.
Car Central Sales & Service will make every attempt to notify you of any open recalls at the time of purchase. However, you, the buyer, should also contact the vehicle manufacturer to verify that there are no other outstanding recalls on your purchased vehicle.